Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Life. And a new car!

How the heck does life get so busy? And we’re just getting into the holidays. Man, I’m screwed. I need to get better at blogging!
I thought I would give a little update of our lives. Just for my reference to look back in twenty-something years. (And for the one, maybe two people that read this.)
Work is going great for Tay and I. We spend every waking moment that we’re not at work with our friends or family or playing with Harley. She is growing into the most fun personality, she keeps us laughing every single day. Some of my favorite things about her right now:
-Any flashlight, laser pointer, or even just sun coming through my mother-in-law’s blinds drives her NUTS!
-When she wants an ice cube (her favorite treat) she’ll put her paws up on the fridge ledge and just wait for you to dispense some ice.
-She’s a regular air bud when it comes to balloons. She will entertain herself until they are all popped.
-After doing something she knows is naughty, she rolls over on her back with her ears down and the saddest face you’ve ever seen. How can you be mad at that? It’s too cute!

There are so many more, and I’m sure even more to come as she gets older.
We’ve also been spending lots of time with our friends. We seriously have the best friends ever, and I love how we all get along so well. Every get together all the guys get in their own little world either watching football, or playing scrabble on their phones. They all get so into it, it’s really funny. And all the girls just talk. You’d think after seeing these people several times a week there wouldn’t be much to talk about. But I love our girl talks.
Our families are about the same old. We try to balance them back and forth and see each side at least once a week. Family time is always fun, we look forward all the fun stuff we do.
Taylor is the sweetest husband and spoils me rotten! Last week he came home with this:

He knows what a true Disney freak I am. :o)
Also before we went on the cruise, we decided we should get a new one of these:

Our waterproof one was awesome, but it has a major delay, and for non-underwater pictures, I wanted something a little bit sharper. This one takes awesome pictures! There’s a cool feature on it where it will shoot in black and white except for one color. Here’s a few of our test shots just playing around.

And last but not least, we also got me a new car!

My old one was starting to have issues, and there were ads on the radio that we could lease a brand new Mazda for a little less than we were paying. Newer car and cheaper price? Yes please! So I’ve been loving that.

Oh and PS, I wanted to give an update of my coral burn because it looks pretty yucky still. Which is awesome. I kinda hope it leaves a cool scar. I love good scar stories. Here’s what it looks like 3 weeks after I got stung.

That’s our life for the last little bit. I gotta say I am a very lucky girl and am so thankful for everything I have. I wouldn’t change a bit of it!

1 comment:

  1. Those pictures are awesome! Maybe we should do a Sophia photo shoot with your new camera. :)

    Oh and your car is very cute!
