Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Weekend

This weekend was so fun. We were going to go camping, but figure it'd be really crowded. It was really relaxing, just hanging out.
Friday night we went to one of my favorite restaurants with some of my favorite people!

Yummy food! After we met up with some of our friends and went and got sno-cones, (Tay's OBSESSED with them, he eats waaay more than he should!) and watched a movie. (I honestly can't even remember which one, I fell asleep that fast!)

Saturday was cleaning day. I ran some errands and kinda managed to get some laundry done. Had to stop quite often because Harley has a new obsession with dryer sheets. With every load coming out of the dryer she was so excited the chew on the dryer sheet and shred it into a million pieces all over the house.
Silly girl!
She came with me to run some errands and looked so funny in the car. I had to take a picture. Usually she insists on riding right on my lap and putting her paws up the steering wheel like she's driving, and looking out the window. (REAL safe, I know!) But Saturday she was really tired and just settled for shotgun.

Sunday we went to Jordon Fiack's farewell. It was really good, he did a great job. Afterwards we hung out at their house and then went to dinner at my parents house. My little sisters wanted to sleep over so we turned on a movie and as always, all were passed out in about 20 minutes. (Sleepovers at our house are WILD!)

Monday morning Tay took us all to breakfast at Village Inn. (PS - Going out for breakfast while on Weight Watchers is not very fun. Wheat toast, DRY, 2 egg whites, and little cup of fruit doesn't exactly hit the spot. Haha. Oh well.)
After breakfast we met up with Mika and Janesssa and laid out at the pool. It was really warm but cloudy. Hopefully next time it'll be a little better. But it was fun just relaxing and talking.

That night we BBQ-ed at grandma's house. Good food, and again, NOT easy on Weight Watchers! Haha.
It was such a fun weekend. Too short!! Definately ready for the next holiday!! And camping!!

OH! And PS, Harley lost her first tooth on Sunday! :o)

My little girl's growing up... lol

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