Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Town Days

Summer is officially here! And we are loving every second of it! Life with a pool, can I just say, is WONDERFUL! I'm not gonna wanna ever leave this place! We've been spending lots of time laying out, working on our tans. (They're slowly coming)
To celebrate summer finally coming, Kaylee and I were feeling crafty and painted some cute decorations for my house.
Here's one of the finished products:

This past week was Bluffdale's town days, so spent lots of time in good ole farmville. We got to go with Kaylee to the demolition derby and watch mud fly! It was a lot of fun! Those guys have got to have a lot of rage!!

Next I went to the parade with my mom and grandparents who were up from St. George. Bluffdale parades are funny because just about half the city is IN the parade. I don't know of a single year that someone in my family hasn't been involved. The girls were in it for their dance group, and my dad had something to do with the scouts. (See how well I pay attention?)

Harely wasn't too sure what to think of her first parade. She got scared whenever candy came flying at her but she liked any music or dancing. Her favorite part was this:

(I think she was jealous of the dog's cute hat!)

That afternoon we went and watched the girls dance at the park. I never take pictures of their dances so I was pretty proud of myself for getting out the camera. They always do a good job! So proud of my sissers.

Harley chewed on some grass. She's not super into dancing apparently. Haha.

The day ended good. We met up with Brad and Brooke and got some yummy food at one of our favorite places!

We were then gonna go see a movie, but we drove past South Jordan's carnival. Brooke and I couldn't pass it up, so we made the boys pull over and we ran all the way to the ticket line. My favorite ride is the Gravitron. (Sounds like a Transformers name...) It spins really fast and you lean up against the side and sort of float to the top. It's the coolest feeling!

Right as we were walking to the car, the fireworks started. So we sat in the bed of the truck and watched. I LOVE fireworks!! Could watch them all night.

These are just some of the reasons I LOVE SUMMER! Can't wait for more to come!


  1. sounds like you guys have had lots of fun!I wish I had a life to do these fun things!! I miss summer!!

  2. TAWNI! That "Summer" wood craft is AMAZING. You did such a good job! Not that I'm surprised, cause you're the craftiest girl ever, but it the colors are soo cute and I love the glitter and watermelon and just the whole thing! Makes me want to make one so bad! Love ya!!

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  4. Thanks girlies! We need to craft night ASAP! And Nessa, I've been seeing more of ya around. And I like it. Yay for summer! :o) Love you guys!! xo
