Friday, January 14, 2011

3 down.... millions to go

January 5th was our THREE year anniversary! Ahhh, I can't believe we've been married that long. Everybody that finds that out asks two things.
1. "Whoah. You're young. What were you, seventeen when you got married?"
 And 2. "When are you popping out babies???!?!?!"

Answer to the first. I was twenty thank you very much. I'm still trying to look older, but one day I will enjoy looking like I'm still in high school.
Second. When we got married, we said about 5 years. Now that it's been three, we're saying 5 more. Lol.
Not really, but we definately aren't ready anytime soon. I'm thinking it'll be another 4 or so. We're having too much fun playing and traveling, and Harley is enough for now.

The last three years have been so amazing! We've done so much and been so many places. We've had our good times and our bad, and are STILL finding out crazy things about each other. I feel like we've grown so much and I love always having a best friend to hang out with. I love how comfortable we are with each other and all the laughs we have!

Tay is so good to me and spoils me rotten. He puts up with so much and I love him to death for it. Thanks babe for ALL you do, you're the best husband ever!!

Here's to the rest of eternity with each other!! xo

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